SHEAT Public School Celebrates International Day of Yoga at the campus

Extracurricular Activities at SHEAT Public School

SHEAT Public School Celebrates International Day of Yoga at the campus

यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान, समाधय: अष्टौ अङ्गानि।

Principles, Personal Disciplines, Postures, Control over life forces, Withdrawal of Senses, Focused Concentration, Meditative Absorption, and Enlightenment are the 8 limbs of Yoga.

Every year, June 21st is celebrated as The International Day of Yoga all over the world. “Yoga,” as Patanjali famously defines it, is the “restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness.” The practice begins by sitting and calming the fluctuations of the body, breath, and senses, and then the more elusive whirlings of consciousness’.

SHEAT Public School organized a one-day yoga program. SHEAT Public School celebrates the day with the school administration, teachers, students, and a local yoga organizer. Everyone is excited and energized to celebrate Yoga Day. The yoga organizer taught different types of yoga asanas to the students. which is useful and easy for the students.

After this, students took part in various activities like essay writing, slogan writing, and quiz competitions with great passion and did their best. Students demonstrated Surya namaskars and various asanas. The warm-up exercises were taken, and all the students performed sitting and standing asanas. The importance of these was explained simultaneously. The celebration concluded with a speech by SHEAT Public School’s Principal. She encouraged students to do regular practice yoga to remain fit and improve concentration.

Yoga is an invaluable bestow of India’s ancient tradition. It signifies the unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; A holistic approach to health and wellness. It’s not an approach to do exercise but to discover a sense of oneness with oneself, the world, and nature. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, may help with well-being. Let’s adopt yoga in our daily life on an International Yoga Day.