SHEAT celebrates International Plastic Bag Free Day​


SHEAT celebrates International Plastic Bag Free Day

International Plastic Bag Free Day celebrates July 3 every year. Its purpose of get rid of the single use of plastic bags around the world. It is all about promoting environmental conservation by encouraging us to avoid using plastic bags and instead look for more eco-friendly alternatives.


To make a plastic bag-free environment, it is necessary to make people aware to avoid using plastic bags, dumping, and disposing of these plastic bags because due to their lightweight, plastic bags travel a long way in water, land, and only 1% of total plastic produced is recycled. So, the day is a global initiative to uproot or reduce the use of plastics and teach everyone about the effects of throwing plastic into the environment and must help to change their behavior.


In this arduous job. SHEAT Public School, Varanasi organized a virtual special assembly to observe “International Plastic Free Day” on 3rd July 2022. The assembly was organized by the SHEAT teachers and students.


On this day, Students of class Pre-Nursery to KG of SHEAT Public School, Varanasi celebrated Day by making ‘Eco Bricks’ where they collected the plastic wrappers or plastic bags from their houses and stuffed them into an empty box. This will be a step toward controlling plastic pollution and preventing plastics from degrading the environment.


Through theatrical shows, students depicted different roles of society and tried to aware the audience. The students also presented in the show about environmental degradation, reckless use of plastic, laws related to the cause and contribution of industrialism, and the role of youth in combating the problem. In the speech session, the students also made a PowerPoint presentation. This ppt presented a dissipating view of the disturbing planet. The students tried to convince the public through their PPT that if we are not alert now than it can be disastrous in the future.


The students of SHEAT Public School, Varanasi also participated in various activities throughout the week to spread awareness and contribute their bit to reducing plastic pollution. Students of Grade 6-8 nicely crafted paper bags/ cloth bags and other biodegradable products to exhibit in the special assembly, whereas students from grades 9-10 wrote heartfelt poems on ways of beating plastic pollution.

The way of awareness was indeed an appreciable move on the part of the students to create awareness about minimizing plastic pollution. The program concluded with an oath ceremony in which custodians of the future i.e. the children took a pledge to save the environment by minimizing the use of plastic products.